Security Camera Catches Delivery Driver’s Encounter with Cat

Owning cats often means dealing with their grumpy and moody nature, and their dislike of constant touching. But Tuna, a unique feline, breaks the mold.
Tuna stands out not only because she has her own Instagram account, where she flaunts her beauty and sass, but also because she has amassed over a thousand followers. Her charm and fascinating antics are sure to attract even more admirers.

Image Source Credit via Instagram
What sets Tuna apart is her adventurous spirit. Her social media is filled with posts showing her getting along with a variety of animals, including dogs and even reptiles. She also has a special fondness for humans.
During the pandemic, Tuna’s owners observed her unusual behavior as they spent more time at home. They often found her returning home dirty, which made them curious about her outdoor activities. To uncover her secret, they equipped her with a GPS tracker. Surprisingly, it revealed that she spent most of her time around the house.

Image Source Credit via YouTube
One day, Tuna’s owners witnessed something extraordinary on their porch. Their camera captured Tuna befriending delivery men. She would perform for them, walking in circles and rolling over, entertaining her guests with her unique moves. In return, the delivery men would pet her.
Her first favorite was the Amazon delivery man. Upon seeing him, she would immediately make noises, and if she missed him, she would become visibly sad. Tuna’s interactions with delivery personnel have garnered much positive feedback.

Image Source Credit via YouTube
A YouTube user commented on The Dodo’s video:“Tuna is the ambassador of good will and friendliness. She greets and makes people feel welcome. She even lowers their blood pressure when they pet her.”

Another added:“As a delivery driver I can absolutely let you know that having pets to share our day with makes all the difference! It is definitely a therapy session! Tuna is such a sweet girl! ❤”
Sign Petition Today: The Cruelty By This Man Is Unthinkable.

A horrific case of animal cruelty and domestic violence unfolded last year in Fargo, North Dakota. The details are disturbing and tragic. The abuser was sentenced to prison, but we must ensure he never terrorizes another person or animal again.
Tuna’s owners believe her behavior greatly benefits delivery workers. In these challenging times, delivery personnel face numerous difficulties to ensure packages are delivered safely and on time. A brief interaction with a friendly cat like Tuna can alleviate their stress and brighten their day. Tuna gives them something to look forward to, making their workday a bit easier.
Echoing this sentiment, another YouTube user shared:“As a former pizza delivery driver, I can confirm that friendly cats were the ABSOLUTE highlight of my day, just as good as a great tip and often better “

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