Select Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 852

Finally! A sunny week. 🌞

This is such a great time of year in the Bay Area. It’s still a bit wintry, but we usually get a few weeks in late February that are ridiculously perfect. Sunny and crisp with highs in the upper 60s to low 70s.
We’ve gotten more rain than usual (the new usual) for three years in a row, including this one, which is weird because we had a drought that lasted a decade!
I know it’s temporary, but for three years the weather has been, like, retro normal. Trees are healthy again, the streams and rivers are flowing — it’s bizarre!

This is the time of year one of my tabby’s favorite flowers bloomed. Tulips! He loved almost everything about them. (“Almost” because he did not like the fact that they’re toxic.)

Rosie loves this time of year too.
Not quite spring, but not quite the dead of winter either. During unseasonably warm weeks like this one, the grass starts growing, oak trees start blooming, squirrels are
squirreling, and butterflies and birds are flying.

There’s a lot of activity!

Marnie doesn’t have a super strong opinion on it either way

Sure, she likes going outside for long walkies, but really, she fine using her treadmill too.

She isn’t very picky about her workouts. 😆

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,

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