Man, Spring has been serious business ’round these parts lately.
I mean, I’m just saying. The new employee, a.k.a. Marnie the Aussie Shepherd, a.k.a. The Dog, is still in training, and whoo! — what a hoot that has been. She’s been a great addition to the team — don’t get me wrong — but she’s still clearly a trainee.
I wish Tabs were still around to conduct her training because I don’t always know what I’m doing. Tabs, on the other paw, always knew what he was doing.
He was always very professional…except when he wasn’t. 😊
How has your spring been going? What have you been up to?
Things have been pretty good out here, except — and it’s a big one — for my allergies! Seriously, I’ve had the worst seasonal allergies I’ve ever had! Half the time I can’t tell if it’s an allergy attack or a cold.
But it’s almost summer, so the pollen should subside pretty soon.
Rosie hopes you had a good weekend.
What did you get up to? We didn’t do a whole lot ourselves. We did battle the crowds at Costco today, which is always an adventure, especially on a Sunday.
Remind me not to do that again. 😹
Rosie also hopes you have a great week.
Talk to you soon.
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,