One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven (similar) (similar). Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen.
I’ve shared on Instagram Stories that Justin and I are heading to Park City Utah with some friends for a ski trip. This is one of my favorite trips to take, and I cannot wait to hear the sound of freshly groomed runs under my skis first thing in the morning.
We’ve skied a few times before and every time we go I always keep it pretty simple with my packing. I like to wear a few layers, to have options for temperature adjustments, and this year I finally got a fantastic ski jacket. In the past, I’ve worn one from Amazon that was fine, and before that, I actually layered a fleece jacket under my rain jacket, but this year I really wanted to find a comfortable, high-quality jacket to keep for years.
And I chose the brightest, poppiest orangey red and I couldn’t be happier.
We’re planning to ski for 3 days and have casual dinner reservations at night. The full vibe is Sporty Spice, which is truly a way I love to dress even at home.
I’ll share more about our trip on Instagram if you care to follow along!