What Are Your Favorite Fragrance Notes?

I’ve been thinking a lot about perfume lately because my migraines have eased up a bit (yay), so I’ve been slowly working my way into wearing scents again.
Anywho, fragrance notes. What are your favorites?
I’m a sucker for rose notes, especially when they’re sweet (but not too sweet) and fresh. Tuberose is my favorite.
I also love, LOVE violet and orange blossom notes, too. Oh, and anything with a gardenia and tiare flower? I’m totally there.
Bright citrus notes are my jam, too. Orange, lemon, grapefruit—delicious!
For richer base notes I usually gravitate towards musk or vanilla.
How about you?
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,
P.S. Happy Saturday, my sweet friend! I’m so glad to have a day to rest. I got to leave work early yesterday because it was slow, and I planned to take the time to tidy the house. After lunch, though, my body had other ideas. I plopped down on the couch thinking I’d just relax for a few minutes, and next thing I know, I’m waking up from a two-hour nap, LOL! Sometimes you just gotta listen to your limbs, I guess.
Today I’m going to catch up on some errands and clock in some time watching the Olympics! Hasn’t gymnastics been so exciting?
Enjoy the rest of your day, and if you feel like it, please share what you’re up to this weekend.

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