She’s a Dragon Girl
With Valentine’s day around the corner and Taylor Swift winning the Super Bowl recently (ha), I’ve had red lipstick on my mind. What’s your go-to at the moment? Mine lately has been NARS Dragon Girl. How about you?
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,
P.S. Ahhh-choo! I would be wearing Dragon Girl today if I didn’t have a cold. It’s been a seemingly never-ending season of sniffles here at our house. Life with a little kid, you know how it goes.
Anywho, I remember when Connor first started preschool, and I was talking to a friend who’s a nurse and has kids, and I said, “I can’t wait until kindergarten is over and her immune system builds up so that we aren’t all constantly sick from October through April,” and she laughed SO HARD for SO LONG. She then said, “Kindergarten? Try third grade.” What was I thinking?!
I’m off to go drink another cup of hot tea and sneeze a few times. Stay healthy, my friend!