Moms and dads do all they can to ensure the health and well-being of their children. They often sacrifice all they can in order for their kids to be happy and feel safe. In this delightful tale and video below, we meet a mama cat who is the epitome of these ideals. She, like so many other mothers out there, cannot fathom leaving her ill child on his own. With her comfort, support, and human intervention, this little one had a much better chance of survival.
When this cat delivered her litter, all were healthy except one. He struggled from the start, having a tough time nursing and an inability to thrive. Thankfully, veterinary staff intervened immediately. They inserted an IV for nutritional and fluid support and monitored him day and night. However, he continued to struggle. He needed to accept bottle-feeding as well, but he did not.
They decided to bring Mom in to help the healing process. Once she was there to comfort him and provide kisses and snuggles, his whole outlook changed. His caregivers were blown away! A mother’s love is everything and the video below is proof of that!
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