Why Does My Dog Rub His Face on Me? 5 Possible Reasons Explained – Dogster

Our dogs do all sorts of cute things that make us go, “Aww.” If you have noticed your dog rubbing their cute little nose all over you, what gives? In this article, we’re going to try to decode that doggy behavior so you can understand it once and for all. It’s likely a combination of all of these reasons, so just take that into consideration as you’re reading.

The 5 Reasons Why Your Dog Rubs His Face on You
1. Marking
Dogs have scent glands all over. They use them to mark different things in their environment, such as their bed, toys, and other objects in the home. If your dog wants to claim you as their own, they might be rubbing their face all over you as a means to say that you are theirs!
That lets all the other pets in the home know and any that might be lurking around that you have already been taken. You might notice this behavior especially with an extra jealous pup in the home!
Image Credit: Julia Siomuha, Shutterstock

2. Attachment
We already know your dog is super attached to you. As if they need to rub their face against you to let you know. However, this can simply be a sign of attachment and wanting to be near you.
If you notice that they seem to do this with you over others, you might be the favorite! It is a sign that they look to you as the strongest bond and treat you accordingly.

3. Comfort Seeking
Your dog looks to you to be consoled. They feel super comfortable with you and love nothing more than snuggling up next to you. If they’re rubbing their face on you, it might be something similar to the bond of a mother and child.
They feel totally at ease when they’re in your presence and want to nuzzle against you, creating that same safety and security.
Image Credit: Mary Swift, Shutterstock

4. Attention
The fact of the matter is that our dogs just love attention! There is really no way around it. They love to be near us as we are their protectors and their caretakers, leaders of the pack. They look to us for guidance and reassurance, as well as to fulfill their emotional needs.
Many folks say that having a dog is comparable to having a child, and it’s true! They look to you for the same amount of care and will loyally devote themselves to you entirely.

5. Scratching an Itch
Lastly, your dog could be rubbing their face on you as a way to scratch an itch. They could have an itchy spot on their face they can’t get, or some itchiness inside their nose. If they only rub their face on you for a few seconds, they could just be trying to relieve that itch.

Image Credit: Soloviova Liudmyla, Shutterstock

Next time your pup is rubbing their face on you, you can give them all the love and reassurance you can. While this might be a ploy for attention, it is an outcry for affection, and you will likely happily oblige. It really doesn’t go too deep.
So, if you’ve noticed your dog rubbing their face on you, there’s really nothing wrong, and it’s completely to be expected. It means you’re doing a good job as a dog parent!

Featured Image Credit: trofalenaRV, Shutterstock

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