Maine Coon cats and Ragdoll cats are the two most popular large cat breeds in the world. They both have long, beautiful coats and imposing figures and are outstanding cats. Still, there are some key differences between these two gorgeous cats.
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Differences in Appearance
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Size and Weight: Maine Coon males typically weigh 15-25 pounds, while females weigh 10-15 pounds. Ragdoll females also weigh 10-15 pounds on average. While Ragdoll males weigh 15-20 pounds. This makes Maine Coon males the ones with the most significant potential in weight.
In terms of size, Maine Coon cats are larger. They are usually 10-16 inches tall, while Ragdolls are 9-11 inches tall. However, both breeds are about the same size in length (measured from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail), 35-40 inches.While similar in length, Maine Coon cats are taller, especially males. They also have the potential to reach a more considerable weight, which makes Maine Coon the larger giant cat.
I went to a cat show once upon a time and remember holding a Maine Coon, and witnessing how long and tall they were compared to a Ragdoll. Of course, there are always exceptions, but the ones I held were bigger than most Ragdolls I have held.
Eye Color and Shape
Photo credit: Lindsey.
This is one of the central differences between the two breeds. All Ragdoll cats have bright blue eyes. This is one of their best-known and most appreciated features. Maine Coons, on the other hand, present a wider pallet of eye colors, including copper, gold, and green.
Another noticeable difference between their eyes is the shape. Maine Coon cats have rounded eyes, while Ragdolls have oval-shaped eyes.
Body Shape
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Even though people often mistake these two, they do have quite different appearances upon a closer look. In terms of shape, Maine Coon cats have rectangular-shaped bodies with thick legs and broad chests. They also have large, bushy raccoon-like tails. Ragdolls also have broad chests, but they have longer legs and longer tapered tails.
While both breeds have wedge-shaped heads, Ragdoll cats have chubby cheeks, while Maine Coons have high cheekbones. They also have differently shaped noses. Ragdolls have rounded noses, while Maine Coons have square-shaped noses.Another key difference is the shape of their ears. While Ragdolls display proportionally-sized ears, Maine Coons have long, pointy ears, which always stand out.
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Ragdoll cats have a very particular coat. They have long coats with lush, soft fur but no undercoat. This sets them apart from Maine Coons, which also have long hair, but have a thick undercoat and light overcoat. As a result, the feel of a Ragdoll cat’s fur is unique, similar to that of a rabbit.
They have amazingly plushy fur. As for Maine Coons, they have soft coats with a wild look. In addition, their fur is water resistant, which allows them to swim or walk through snow without having the moisture reach their skin. Ragdolls also have waterproof fur, which is far less efficient than the Maine Coon.
Both breeds have a lion-like ruff around their necks, but it is the Maine Coon that stands out. The role of the ruff is to keep them warm, and since Maine Coons are far better equipped for the great outdoors, it is no surprise that they have much richer neck hair. They also have longer necks, which makes this far more visible.
Colors and Patterns
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In this regard, Ragdolls and Maine Coons are quite different. The first key aspect is that all Ragdolls have colored points. The point color can be blue, seal, chocolate, lilac, cream, mink, or red, while the pattern can be colorpoint, mitted, van, bi-color, lynx, or tortie.
Maine Coons, on the other hand, come in a much more extensive array of colors. There are more than 85 combinations of colors and patterns for this breed. Their coat patterns can be solid, tabby – which can be classic, a mackerel tabby, or a patched tabby, tortoiseshell, bi-color, smoke, or shaded. As for colors, they can be black, white, red, blue, and cream. And these are only the colors for the solid Maine Coons.
Maine Coon vs. Ragdoll – Personality Comparison
Photo credit: Lindsey.
Ragdolls and Maine Coons have very similar personalities. They are intelligent, playful, elegant cats that thrive on connection with their human families. There are, however, some subtle differences between them. Here are their various personality traits:
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Both breeds are highly intelligent, but the Maine Coon has been described as superior to the Ragdoll in this department. Naturally, intelligence largely depends on the individual, but with both cats, you will get a very intelligent companion.
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Maine Coons and Ragdolls thrive on the relationships they build with the people and other animals in the household. They are both very social and friendly domestic cats that will gladly interact with you. They will greet you at the door and stay close to you after that, but without getting in your way.
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This is yet another trait specific to the individual, but both breeds are known to be very friendly with their owners. They enjoy being petted, and they love getting attention and affection. And they also give it back. So, with Ragdolls and Maine Coons, you will get an involved companion that gives and receives love.
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Both breeds are known to be very docile, but Ragdolls stand out when it comes to this. They are widely known for getting floppy-like ragdolls when picked up. While this Ragdoll personality trait is more of a myth, this breed is extremely docile. Maine Coons might be somewhat below this bar, but that still makes them very docile cats.
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This is another shared personality trait of the two breeds because they are both very playful cats. They love toys and games and playing with their humans, so you are guaranteed to have a lot of fun with both Ragdolls and Maine Coons. They enjoy toys that they can play with by themselves, but also games that they can play with you. It is vital to keep them mentally engaged.
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While they are both very playful cat breeds, Maine Coons and Ragdolls are moderately energetic. They will be very engaged when playing with you until they reach their limit and quickly disappear to rest.
After a quick nap on their favorite cat bed or armchair, they will return to you and bring a toy. They are not the cats to sleep around all day, but they must recharge their batteries after playtime.
Lap Cats
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Ragdoll cats love to sit on your lap. They are pleased to be close to you and can spend hours purring on your lap. Maine Coons, on the other hand, enjoy being close to you but prefer to keep their distance so that they will be next to you rather than on your lap. However, this preference depends on the individual, so some Ragdoll cats may prefer to avoid sitting on your lap. At the same time, some Maine Coons might enjoy the occasional stay.
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Ragdoll cats are known to be very quiet. There has to be a big reason to get them to meow, so you will probably never hear it around the house. Maine Coons, on the other hand, rarely meow, but they interact with their owners by trilling. That is a combination of a purr and meow, and they do that when they want to make a statement when they are excited or engaged in a game.
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Ragdolls and Maine Coons are large cats with a wild cat appearance (especially Maine Coons), so people expect them to be aggressive. But these two breeds are known as the “gentle giants” because they are calm, difficult to annoy, and need a good reason to scratch or bite people or animals.
Good With Children
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As mentioned above, these gentle giants are highly docile cats that do not scratch and bite. This and their very permissive temper makes them excellent with children. Considering their laid-back temperaments and their affinity for humans, they will enjoy spending time with children just as much as the children will love petting and hugging them. Read more about Ragdolls and children.
Good With Other Pets
Photo credit: Lindsey.
Their unique personalities make Maine Coons and Ragdolls some of the few dog-friendly cats. They are willing to share their homes with a dog as long as it also acts friendly and gentle to them. Of course, if provoked, they will fight back, but it takes a lot to make these cats angry.
While they are willing to share territory, it is human affection that will cause them to have a more challenging time communicating with a dog. But being brilliant cats, they will not scratch the dog but, instead, go out of their way to get your attention. So don’t be surprised if you find them lounging on your desk, favorite chair, or shoe box.
Maine Coon vs. Ragdoll – Differences in Environment Needs
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Ragdolls and Maine Coons are different in terms of their environmental needs. Maine Coons are closer to wild cats and adapted to living outdoors. They are tremendous hunters. While they can live happily indoors, they are ideally suited for living outdoors or an indoors/outdoors lifestyle.
Ragdolls, on the other hand, are suited for living indoors. They do not enjoy climbing furniture, so they will not be thrilled about climbing trees. Moreover, they are so easygoing and docile that others can quickly take them if left unsupervised. Please note that indoor cats should always be supervised when they spend time outdoors. As an alternative, they can safely stay outside in a catio.
Shedding and Grooming Needs
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Caring for the gentile giants requires dedication, but how is caring for a Maine Coon different from caring for a Ragdoll?
Maine Coons and Ragdolls may have a different coat structure (Ragdolls do not have an undercoat), but these long-haired cats do not shed much compared to other cat breeds. As a result, they have excellent coats that do not mat easily.
However, they do need regular care. In my book, Grooming the Fluff, you can find everything you need to know about adequately grooming a long-haired cat, from the best tools to how to deal with mats. Please note that they will develop mats if they are not groomed regularly. In addition, during the shedding season, it is normal for them to shed more, so they need more attention during grooming.
Food and Costs
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Maine Coon males may be taller than Ragdoll males, but both breeds are large cats. The larger the cat, the more food it will need and the more it will cost you regularly. If you are used to paying for food for a small-sized cat, you should expect a cost increase with Ragdolls or Maine Coons.
However, what turns out to be difficult with these breeds is keeping them from becoming obese. Their friendly and curious nature engages these cats, and most owners have difficulty saying no to them. Others even choose to display their affection by feeding the cat excessively.
It is essential to keep Maine Coons and Ragdolls in shape. Still, as long as you give them the amount of food indicated by the veterinarian for their weight and age, you should have no problems.
Vet Checkups
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Maine Coons and Ragdolls need regular veterinary checkups, as all cats do. They are healthy cats, but they still need to be examined periodically by their doctor. In addition, they need to be vaccinated, neutered, and have regular blood work performed as part of their checkups.
Breed-Specific Disease Predispositions
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In general, these two breeds are both relatively healthy, but there are some diseases that they are predisposed to. This does not mean they are sure to develop them, but there is a chance that they will, which means you already know what to look for.
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)
Unfortunately, both Ragdolls and Maine Coons have a predisposition for developing hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This is a thickening of the heart’s muscular wall, which can lead to severe heart disease. This is yet another reason why these breeds must be kept in shape. Obesity complicates this by making them prone to even more heart problems in cats.
Urinary Tract Issues
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While all cats are prone to developing urinary tract issues, Ragdolls are slightly more prone than others. If you notice any changes in the cat’s behavior, water drinking patterns, and urinating and defecating patterns, it is best to take the cat to the vet to rule out UTIs. You should also ensure that the cat gets enough water and feed it wet rather than dry food.
Hip Dysplasia
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This is a common disease for large-sized cats, so both breeds are predisposed to it, but the Maine Coon particularly. Hip dysplasia is the loosening of the hip ligaments, which causes the femur to get dislodged from the hip joint, as well as osteoarthritis.
While this can be cured surgically, it entails a complex procedure. This is also hereditary, so it is best to check the medical records of the cat’s parents, if possible. Moreover, cats with hip dysplasia are not allowed to reproduce to help prevent the disease for the following generations.
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)
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PKD is another hereditary disease that causes the development of small benign cysts in the cat’s kidneys. While this is not lethal, it can significantly strain the cat’s kidney function. This can be diagnosed with a simple ultrasound, and it is advised that both Maine Coons and Ragdolls are checked for PKD. Being aware of the disease can help prevent further complications.
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Photo credit: Deposit Photos.
Maine Coon cats and Ragdoll cats are the two most popular large cat breeds in the world. They both have long, beautiful coats and imposing figures, and they are both outstanding cats, but there are some key differences between these two gorgeous cats.
18 Differences in Ragdoll Cats Vs Maine Coon Cats
Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,