Aug 03, 2023
German Shepherd pup Wile E. Coyote was deeply in need of help when he arrived at Austin Pets Alive! (APA!). He was so emaciated that he could not stand or walk. Then Katie Plunkard entered his world and decided to foster the shy, sweet-faced puppy.
“This sweet boy was my first foster experience and, boy, was it more than I bargained for. He was in such rough shape but the payoff in watching him overcome it all and get back to 100% has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life,” she said.
Under her diligent watch, Wile was given the time, space, care and love he needed to begin to heal. In just five days, he was able to walk for short periods, forcing her to puppy-proof his environment. “This boy is on the move, but after about 30 seconds of walking he naps for a few hours. He still has a long way to go but he’s making strides,” she said.
It was impossible to not fall in love with Wile’s determination to succeed. Over the next few weeks, she watched him thrive and come into his own. “This guy is brightening up every day! He’s gaining weight, can get himself up the stairs and onto the couch most days, and his personality is coming through more and more,” she said.
Eventually, it was time for him to venture beyond the backyard, so Plunkard took Wile on his first hike with her own dogs. “Even though I want him to gain weight, German Shepherd dogs need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to satisfy their working breed drive.” The adventure was a great success.
Soon, Wile E. was ready for adoption, and thanks to the amazing foster care he received with Plunkard he found a warm and loving new home. “I love him more than most of y’all will ever understand so it is bittersweet to send him off to his forever home. But I’m so excited for him to get all of the undivided attention and love that he so craves and deserves.”
Foster homes offer so much more to shelter pets than simply getting them out of the shelter environment. They offer warmth, human connection, soft spaces to fall down and strong hands to help them get back up. They offer space to learn and gain confidence. Most importantly, they offer the love that every being has the right to know.
Fall in love with Wile E Coyote and follow along on this foster’s journey! Watch these amazing Instagram Reels to see this beautiful progress – from the car ride to Plunkard’s home to finding his adoptive home!