Sep 01, 2023
Your participation is important to us! Please complete this brief survey to better inform how we serve people and pets in Hays County.
Fill Out The Survey Here
This survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. All information received will be strictly confidential.
Ayude a las mascotas del condado de Hays: breve encuesta
¡Su participación es importante para nosotros! Complete esta breve encuesta para informar mejor cómo servimos a las personas y las mascotas en Hays County.
Complete esta breve encuesta
Completar esta encuesta le tomará aproximadamente 5 minutos. Toda la información recibida será tratada de forma estrictamente confidencial.
Learn more about the partnership:
Hays County has partnered with non-profit organization Austin Pets Alive! to lead the development of a new animal shelter that will provide programs focused on public safety, animal safety and lifesaving, increased public access to important resources for pet owners, and community education to provide safe and humane care for pets.
We are conducting a community survey to help guide the Hays County Pet Resource Center program development, and we need your help! Your participation will help guide the future of people and pets in the area.
You can read more about the project and stay up to date by signing up for our newsletter by visiting https://linktr.ee/hayspetresource
Conozca más sobre la asociación:
¡Hays County está trabajando con Austin Pets Alive! para desarrollar un nuevo modelo de bienestar animal propuesto que proporcionará programas centrados en la seguridad pública, la seguridad animal y el salvamento de vidas, un mayor acceso público a recursos importantes para los dueños de mascotas y educación comunitaria para proporcionar un cuidado seguro y humano a las mascotas. Para ayudar a guiar el desarrollo de Hays County Pet Resource Center, estamos realizando una evaluación de las necesidades de la comunidad.
Estamos realizando una encuesta comunitaria para ayudar a guiar el desarrollo del programa del Hays County Pet Resource Center, ¡y necesitamos su ayuda! Su participación ayudará a guiar el futuro de las personas y las mascotas en el área.
Puede leer más sobre el proyecto y las ultimas noticias suscribiéndote a nuestro boletín visitando https://linktr.ee/hayspetresource
Read our Press Release from August 30, 2023 Below:
Help the People and Pets of Hays County by Sharing Your Feedback
Hays County Pet Resource Center and Austin Pets Alive! Launch Community Survey
HAYS COUNTY – Calling all Hays County community members and animal lovers to participate in an important survey! Your participation will help guide the future of animal welfare in the area.
Hays County has partnered with non-profit organization Austin Pets Alive! to lead the development of a new animal shelter that will provide programs focused on public safety, animal safety and lifesaving, increased public access to important resources for pet owners, and community education to provide safe and humane care for pets. The survey launches September 1, and community participation will help determine programs for the Hays County Pet Resource Center.
“We want to know what the community’s needs are for people and pets,” said Lee Ann Shenefiel, Austin Pets Alive! Executive Advisor and Project Coordinator. “All survey responses will be looked at and considered, so this is an important opportunity for the community to share their input with us and drive the conversation from the beginning on what people and pets need in Hays County. ”
The project aims to implement recommendations from a 2022 feasibility study that proposed an animal welfare model for Hays County. This includes the construction of a new shelter designed to support 2000 dogs and cats annually, investment in robust community programs designed to reduce the number of animals coming into the shelter and help keep people and pets together, and a high-volume public veterinary clinic. Initial construction estimates are around $24 million.
The survey is open to participants through September 30 and is available in online and print formats in English and Spanish. Austin Pets Alive! is also looking for volunteers to attend local events promoting the Pet Resource Center. Volunteers will visit with local community partners to share information about the project, gather survey input, and input survey results. Training and community service hours are provided, and application fees are waived for Hays County volunteers. For more information or to sign up to volunteer, visit austinpetsalive.org/volunteer or email [email protected].
Please contact us at [email protected] to schedule any interviews or for more information.