Happy 17th Birthday MBB! – Makeup and Beauty Blog

Making wishes back in 2007
My sweet MBB,
I don’t know how this happened, but I blinked and suddenly you turned 17.
My first baby is no longer quite my baby.
Remember when you were very young, and we didn’t quite know each other that well? Oh, those funny pictures we used to take in that old apartment years and years ago.
You’re officially a young adult now, and I’m so proud of you. I feel like I got to witness you blossom, and now I’m releasing you into the world so that you can take it on with your own set of beautiful, sparkly wings.
I’ll always cherish the adventures we’ve had and all the memories we’ve made together. You have profoundly shaped my life in so many ways. Being with you has made me into the person that I am today.
I don’t think I’ll ever have enough ways to thank you for everything you’ve given me.
I made a wish into the universe to make something great, and the stars sent me to you.
You will always be one of my great, true loves.
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,

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