As well as occasional technical issues, other problems can impact how it is used.
Sometimes, if a cat pees in the Litter Robot and then another cat enters before it has time to do a cycle and pees on the same spot, the double-clumped litter might be too big to fall through into the waste drawer on the first attempt.
This can also be a problem if your cat has health issues that cause it to pee a lot. Usually, even large clumps will fall through before you spot them, if not at the first attempt, then on a later cycle. If a clump doesn’t fit through, you’ll need to scoop it out manually, but that should rarely be an issue.
Another problem is overfilling. If you fill your Litter-Robot too high, it will be weighed down and unable to complete a full cycle. Ensure you’re consistently below the fill line, and remove some litter if you still need to. Some litter can be too heavy, and even filling to just below the line might be too much – it can handle 10 lbs, so try removing some if you think you’ve added too much.
Other times there can be some more technical issues. For example, you’ll know that the Litter Robot will be flashing its lights instead of the usual steady lights when it’s working. Read my post about a flashing yellow light – and how to fix it. Or, if it’s flashing all three lights, there are a few potential fixes that you can read about here.
Please look at my video, where I talk about some of these problems I’ve experienced in the years that I’ve owned a Litter Robot and how I resolved them.