Hi friends! Hope you’re doing well this month! Sorry for being MIA but work has been crazy! It’ll pretty much be like this for the rest of the month for me! But it’s ok, busy is a good thing especially with so many people out of work and struggling lately. It only makes me realize being busy is a blessing not something to rant about! I hope you’re having a productive month and you’re doing well and looking forward to the Spring. We have a little taste of it here in New York lately! Seems it might be coming early 🙂
Also, start your weekend with a sale! Saie’s Lip Blur Lipsticks are on sale. Buy 1, get a second one absolutely free and enjoy free on orders of $30! Don’t forget there are new Dew Blush shades available! I purchased Cutie recently and it’s the most gorgeous warm rose. I can’t wait to wear it for Summer looks!
Enjoy! I hope you have a great weekend! I miss you all but don’t worry, I’ll be back and posting regularly soon!
Where to buy
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