Rosie wants Brock Purdy and the San Francisco 49ers to win the Super Bowl today because she’s a Bay Area girl, and she bleeds red and gold. Always has since she was a kitten.
In fact, one of her earliest memories from way back before she came to work here at Tabs the Cat Industries, LLC is of her snuggly swaddled in a 49ers blanket, staring up into a kind woman’s eyes. Rosie thinks that the woman may have been her first human friend.
It felt like warmth, home and love. ❤️
Rosie has done all the calculations, and while the results are subject to a 4% margin of error, she thinks the 49ers will win the game.
Her theory is that the team that snacks better, plays better — and to that end, she highly recommends Feline Greenies Salmon Flavor Fur & Skin Smartbites, which she relies on for her own constitution.
They help maintain skin’s elasticity to reduce the bruising from hard football hits, while helping skin resist turf scratches and preventing helmet hair.
Earlier this week she delivered an entire case of them to the 49ers in Las Vegas aboard the company’s private jet. “Meow,” she said later. She advised the players to eat 5-10 treats purr day leading up to the game.
Every little bit helps!
Rosie loves watching the Niners play, but fun fact, her predecessor, who also happened to found the company she now leads, actually played professional cat football.
Luckily for the world, but unluckily for Tabs, a career-ending tail injury forced him to retire from professional athletics, which led him to explore fashion and kitty super-meowdelry.
The rest, as they say, is cat history… 😂
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,
P.S. Go Niners!!!