A tiny kitten has the confidence of a full-grown cat. She was fearless from the moment she was rescued.MonchichiAlyssaShortly after PuppyKittyNYCITY, an animal rescue, reunited a cat mother with her kittens, they received another kitten thought to be one of the littermates.They quickly realized the new kitten was a few weeks older and not from the same litter. She had a bad cold and was skinny under her fluffy coat.Alyssa, a foster volunteer, was at the rescue when she saw the little bundle of fur and stepped up to help.She was tiny and had a cold when she came to the rescuePuppyKittyNYCITYWithout hesitation, she offered to foster the kitten and give her the best chance to heal. The second she held the kitten in her arms, the little one melted into her, purring.The kitten was confident when she stepped into her foster home and explored around the place with her head and tail held high.She melted into Alyssa when held in her armsAlyssaDespite having watery eyes, the kitten had a good appetite and refused to let anything stop her. She climbed to the top of the carrier that towered over her and decided to wash her face and paws at the summit after mealtime.From that moment on, the kitten acted as if she could conquer the world.Monchichi was confident and fearless from the startAlyssaHer playful side came out in full swing as soon as she felt better. She started to play and wrestle more, so Alyssa introduced her to Monchichi, the stuffed monkey. She adored the monkey so much that Alyssa named her after it.With good food and proper care, the kitten crossed the one-pound mark, doubling in sass and tripling in energy.Monchichi loves her namesakeAlyssa”Once she started to gain weight steadily and her eyes cleared up, I knew she’d be okay,” Alyssa shared with Love Meow.Monchichi tore through the place with her newfound strength, pouncing on toys, scaling furniture, and inspecting every corner with wide, curious eyes.She became very playful once she felt betterAlyssaShe doesn’t seem to have a pause button as she hops around nonstop until her “batteries” drain out. She is also packed with enormous cattitude.Monchichi likes to show that she’s tough and fierce by puffing out her fur and faking bites.She is always moving and playing nonstopAlyssaShe’s the definition of tiny but mighty, with a larger-than-life personality and the spirit of an energizer bunny.”She has the confidence of a full-grown cat and is fearless in everything.”AlyssaMonchichi can be sleeping one minute, but the second Alyssa walks over, she jumps to her paws, ready to go.She’ll play with any toy that moves. Whether it’s a giant plushie or a small fuzzy ball, she’ll tackle it with all her might.AlyssaWhen she tires herself out from all the action, she curls beside her foster mom or nestles comfortably on her lap and purrs herself to sleep.After a long day of playing, she snuggled on her foster mom’s lap for a napAlyssaWith a second chance, Monchichi has healed up beautifully and is learning to be a cat. “We are hoping she can have a friend soon to tumble and nibble with.”Sometimes, she sprawls out on the couch for a napAlyssaMonchichi has grown in size and fluff. She is living the best life with loving humans who cater to her every whim.AlyssaShare this story with your friends. More on Monchichi and Alyssa’s fosters on Instagram and PuppyKittyNYCITY on Instagram.Related story: Tiny Kitten Spotted Outside Abandoned Shows So Much Strength, Now Has a Cat to Watch Her Grow